One week post-op


I am not one to throw my beliefs around on Facebook or my blog, but today I must brag on my God whom I believe is a miracle worker.
I have seen him work in my life and others’ lives many times, even at points in my life when religion was the furthest thing from my mind. But what I have witnessed over the past week is nothing less than miraculous and an answer to hundreds, if not thousands of prayers.
McKenzie’s surgery was a week ago today. She sat up for the first time on Sunday. We were told she could be walking with assistance in a couple of weeks.
Last night, she walked across the kitchen without any help. One of her therapists, who has worked with patients who have had the same surgery said today, “she is doing very well, to be honest, this is unheard of!” The other pt said in her seven years working with these patients, she has never seen someone up and around like McKenzie. They have triple checked with me that her surgery was just last week.
Granted, McKenzie is the poster child for the strong willed child, but that determination for independence is paying off as she works towards recovery.
She is still in the wheelchair most of the time, but she is able to maneuver herself in and out with minimal help. We are way ahead of where we thought we would be at the one-week mark.
One day, she will have quite the story to tell. I hope that she never forgets that miracles do happen, and she is one of them. I hope the rest of us don’t forget that miracles can happen in our own lives, too. #ibelieveinmiracles



Short update


McKenzie is doing fantastic and surprising us constantly. Her doctor told us that she is “way ahead of the curve!” The pt affirmed that today. She has even taken steps without help tonight!
There is so much more to write, but I am so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open. I will update tomorrow.
Thanks again for your prayers!